I am always impressed what people know about themselves. Especially because the answers always seem to be given so spontaneously. Well, evidently, people think about first, but still, there are some questions about things I never thought about, but now I want to know about myself and about you.
It's kind of a game I once played with my big boss staying in Florence for a fashion show, we were assisting to a fitting and therefore didn't have much to do, so he started the game asking me about my 5 favorite films, then about my five favorite bands, then about my 5 favorite books; and actually I realised that these are quite banal things you might think about every day, but I couldn't answer immediately...
The most famous and legendary version of this game is for sure the "Proust questionnaire" named after Marcel Proust and his answers: he had discovered these questions as a young boy in a classmade's confession album called "album to record thoughts, feelings, etc." and aswered them more than once in his life to learn about himself.
Today I gonna start to write my own album and I will start this by answering the questions.
go ahead, let's play the game, and then maybe YOU becomes I:
Your favorite virtue.
Your favorite qualities in a man.
Your favorite qualities in a woman.
Your chief characteristic.
What you appreciate the most in your friends.
Your main fault.
Your favourite occupation.
Your idea of happiness.
Your idea of misery.
If not yourself, who would you be.
Where would you like to live.
Your favourite colour and flower.
Your favorite bird.
Your favourite prose authors.
Your favourite poets.
Your favourite heroes in fiction.
Your favourite heroines in fiction.
Your favourite painters and composers.
Your favourite heroes in real life.
Your favourite heroines in real life.
What characters in history do you most dislike.
Your heroines in World history.
Your favourite food and drink.
Your favourite names.
What I hate the most.
World history characters I hate the most.
The reform I admire the most.

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